Surgery in the Gardens

Tree surgery is a normal requirement of the Gardens to maintain their and the surrounding neighbourhood’s safety .

As extensive tree surgery was required in 2010, no surgery was undertaken last year. However, towards the end of 2011, both the London Plane tree in the small grove behind the children’s play area and the Horse Chestnut next to the South Gate shed a limb. The Committee engaged our tree surgeons to carry out a full inspection.

As a result, from the 15th – 22nd February, the tree surgeons completed the following:

  • The London Plane tree mentioned was felled as it was dying and likely to continue to shed limbs
  • The Horse Chestnut mentioned — a mature tree with a widespread crown and heavy branch ends — had its crown cleaned out and its canopy lifted
  • A False Acacia near the North Gate was felled as it was subject to a fungal attack indicating internal decay. After felling, extensive internal decay was found and the tree, if left, would have collapsed in a year or so
  • A Red Oak in the grove behind the children’s play area with over-long branch ends had its branch ends reduced and its crown cleaned as it was becoming a danger so close to the play area
  • A London Plane next to the shed, a very large mature wide spreading tree, had its lateral spread, particularly over the road, reduced by 20-25% by thinning branch ends, cleaning out the crown, removing deadwood and suppressed branches
  • A Tree of Heaven in the play area grove, a very tall and heavy tree had its upper crown reduced
  • The twin-stemmed Sycamore in the north-east bed, having suffered necrosis for some unknown reason in the main fork and down the inside of each stem had its crown reduced and cleaned out to reduce weight
  • A further five trees also needed more lighter attention

The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea approved all these works a requirement as all our trees are protected. It is interesting to note that for all the trees felled a new tree has been planted to ensure that the trees continue to be a vital part of the Garden environment. This is not only a requirement of the Council, but also important to keep Queen’s Gate Gardens as an evolving natural environment.

New Playground Equipment

New Playground equipment has been installed in the Garden to replace the old swings that were no longer safe. A climbing frame and new swing set have been fitted to make the Garden more enjoyable for our family members. Click on the picture to view details.

Balls Not Permitted

Remember that no ball games are allowed in the Gardens. Balls cause significant damage to the plants and the lawn.

The Committee aims to meet the needs of all its members and their children. By investing in new playground equipment, we hope that members will now be diligent in refraining from ball games and other prohibited activities in the Gardens.

Remember that Hyde Park is just a few blocks away and much more suitable for ball games. The upkeep of the Gardens relies on its members cooperating with this rule. Thank you for your help.