Who owns the Gardens?
Who governs the Gardens?
Who is on the Committee?
Who is eligible for Garden membership?
How do I become a member?

Who owns the Gardens?

The Gardens are owned by Arab Investments LTD. They are also the owners of the adjacent building Campbell Court. 

Who governs the Gardens?

The Gardens are governed by a Committee in accordance with Bye-Laws approved by a High Court Judge. The Garden Committee takes care to ensure the Gardens benefit the Members, the natural environment and the surrounding community.

Who is on the Committee?

The Committee is compromised of volunteer Garden members representative of the membership as a whole.

Who is eligible for Garden membership?

Anyone who lives in Queens Gate Gardens or in the nearby streets as available.

How do I become a member?

To become a member, you must apply, pay a joining fee and an annual fee. For more information about membership, click here.